
Ah, progressive slots! These are the ones that can make a millionaire in a matter of seconds. These are the slots that are networked together, either within a big land-based casino, or even across the country or over the internet with online progressive slots. That’s the reason the jackpots are so incredibly huge. The other reason the payouts are so massive is that the jackpot has no upper limit. It keeps growing until it’s won. Some jackpots are won after just a few coins too. Those are the real lucky ones. And on the other side of the coin (if you’ll pardon the pun), are the people who win those big jackpots only after spending days and nights pumping the same machine. But I guess it’s worth it in the end if you win a few million for your troubles! Don't just take my word for it; go check out my progressive slots tickers at the bottom of this page, where some of the biggest jackpots in the country are constantly updated in real time!
There are a few different types of progressive slots out there. Don’t get the idea that every progressive slots machine is one of those that’s linked across the country and has a payout in the millions. Nope! There are actually 3 main types of progressive slots, and I’ll fill you in on them now.
The biggest of the biggies are called the multi-location progressive slots. These are the ones that are linked together electronically, sometimes hundreds of machines all over the country. And these are the ones that dreams are made from. Chances of hitting the big one on these is pretty slim, but someone’s gotta win it.
Next down, in terms of size of jackpots are the linked progressive slots. These will all be in the same building, but still can include a large number of machines, all contributing to the pot. And the last of the progressive slots are the individual progressive slots. These are just single machines, quietly building up their jackpots over time, squirreling away all those coins until BOOM! Some lucky so-and-so hits the big payout.
One thing some people don’t realize is that at a casino, you have the same odds of winning at the progressive slots with the biggest jackpots as you have at the regular slots. I say go for it and see what happens. And remember to bet the maximum on each spin, cuz if you win, but not the max, you’ll be kicking yourself all the way home.
Here you go! Just like I told ya. The jackpots at some of the biggest progressive slots in the country. Just look at the payout totals climbing!
Though it's not always the case I bet you'll see at least one that's over $1 million, and growing before your eyes!
If you don't see one of those ultra-biggies right now, just click the refresh button in your browser (or hit F5 up at the top of your keyboard), and the tickers will change for you.

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